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Results and Discussion


The final result of our project was a GUI that would allow the user to specify frequency and instrument to create a sound.  In this section, we will display our GUI design and showcase the functions of our instrument box. The instruments/sound qualities that can be specified are clarinet, flute, pure sine wave, and (approximate) square wave.  Two instruments can be constructed simultaneously (two separate frequency text boxes and two separate collections of instrument buttons) and then can be morphed together to create a brand new sound.  The overlap of the notes was quite fascinating to observe.  For instruments of similar frequency, we observed resonance-like features in the waveform of the overlap.  Also, the quality of sounds produced varied highly.  Some, like the sine wave, were pleasant to hear but others, like the square wave were much harsher.


This diagram below shows our GUI interface and explanations for the interface

Here are four combinations that we randomly choose to run to test the functionality of our GUI and functions. 

(For each trial, there are three audio clips generated. The first clip is for the first instrument type, the seond clip is for the second instrument type and the third clip is for the morphed music.) Please click to play.


First trial:

Instrument type 1: Clarinet at 650Hz

Instrument type 2: Flute at 800Hz


Clarinet at 650Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Flute at 800Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Morphed Music - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00

Second trial:

Instrument type 1: Sine wave at 1500Hz

Instrument type 2: Square wave at 500Hz

Sine Wave at 1500Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Square wave at 500Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Morphed Music - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00

Third trial:

Instrument type 1: Square wave at 125Hz

Instrument type 2: Flute at 2500Hz

Square wave at 125Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Flute at 2500Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Morphed Music - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00

Fourth trial:

Instrument type 1: Clarinet at 523Hz

Instrument type 2: Sine wave at 7500Hz

Clarinet at 523Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Sine wave at 7500Hz - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Morphed Music - Connolly, Dai, Giessner
00:00 / 00:00
Discussion of Results
The quality of the reproduction of instruments was fine as a first order approach.  The clarinet sound certainly sounds similar to an actual clarinet and the flute sound also is a decent portrayal of an actual flute (though not quite as good as the clarinet reproduction).  If we had more time, we could have attempted to model the transients of the instruments (attack, release, decay).  This approach would have yielded even better representations of the instruments.
As can be seen in the graph for the morphed signal in time domain, we tried to morph these two signals by linearly increasing additive synthesis, meaning that we gradually insert the harmonic frequencies of the signal being morphed into, and increase the amplitude of the newly inserted harmonic series.  On the graph, an attempt of the first signal to merge into the second can be seen. However, our current approach could not map the amplitude of one signal to the other. As a result, at the end of morphing, there is still a sudden change to the next signal. 
We are thinking that in order to make a smoother transistion, or morphing, we can try cross-synthesis. Cross synthesis is also a type of spectral morphing. It involves impressing the spectral envelope of one sound onto the flattened spectrum of another envelope.
Specific steps for cross synthesis involves: 1) short-time Fourier Transform of signals, 2) use appropriate calculation to obtain appropriate spectral envelop, 3) use envelop to flatten the spectrum of the carrier and 4) obtain the morphing by multiplying envelop of modulator by the corresponding flattened spectral frame.
Cross synthesis should yield a better morphing between the two music signal that we have here. We are going to look closely at implementing cross synthesis and reseraching other more elegant approaches to audio spectral morphing in the future.
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